El Staff de SHARD estará participando en el próximo Feria Mundo Anime Santo Domingo 2012, en el CODIA (ver su pagina) los vemos allá con el primer numero de la revista SHARD.
Neuronas chispeando por los aires mientras alienigenas discuten profundamente sobre la cotidianidad humana desde su tan lejano punto de vista.
- "Maestro, ¿es bueno para el sabio demostrar su inteligencia?"
- "A veces puede ser bueno y honorable permitir que los hombres te rindan honores."
- “¿Sólo a veces?”
- “Otras puede acarrearle al sabio multitud de desgracias. Eso es lo que les sucedió a los tres Príncipes de Serendip, que utilizaron distraídamente su inteligencia. Habían sido educados por su padre, que era arquitecto del gran Shá de Persia, con los mejores profesores, y ahora se encaminaban en un viaje hacia la India para servir al Gran Mogol, del que habían oído su gran aprecio por el Islam y la sabiduría. Sin embargo, tuvieron un percance en su camino.”
- “¿Qué les pasó?”
- “Una tarde como esta, caminaban rumbo a la ciudad de Kandahar, cuando uno de ellos afirmó al ver unas huellas en el camino: “Por aquí ha pasado un camello tuerto del ojo derecho".
- “¿Cómo pudo adivinar semejante cosa con tanta exactitud?”
- “Había observado que la hierba de la parte derecha del camino, la que daba al río, y por tanto la más atractiva, estaba intacta, mientras la de la parte izquierda, la que daba al monte y estaba más seca, estaba consumida. El camello no veía la hierba del río.”
- “¿Y los otros príncipes?”
- “El segundo, que era más sabio, dijo: “le falta un diente al camello.”
- “¿Cómo podía saberlo?”
- “La hierba arrancada mostraba pequeñas cantidades masticadas y abandonadas.”
- “¿Y el tercero?”
- “Era mucho más joven, pero aun más perspicaz, y, como es natural, en los hijos pequeños, más radical, al estar menos seguro de sí mismo. Dijo: “el camello está cojo de una de las dos patas de atrás. La izquierda, seguro"
- “¿Cómo lo sabía?”
- “Las huellas eran más débiles en este lado.”
- “¿Y ahí acabaron las averiguaciones?”
- “No. El mayor, picado en esta competencia, afirmó: “por mi puesto de Arquitecto Mayor del Reino que este camello llevaba una carga de mantequilla y miel.”
- “Pero, eso es imposible de adivinar.”
- “Se había fijado en que en un borde del camino había un grupo de hormigas que comía en un lado, y en el otro se había concentrado un verdadero enjambre de abejas, moscas y avispas.”
- “Se trata de un difícil reto para los otros dos hermanos.”
- “El segundo hermano bajó de su montura y avanzó unos pasos. Era el más mujeriego del grupo por lo que no es extraño que afirmara: "En el camello iba montada una mujer". Y se puso rojo de excitación al pensar en el pequeño y grácil cuerpo de la joven, porque hacía días que habían salido de la ciudad de Djem y no habían visto ninguna mujer aún.”
- “¿Cómo pudo saberlo?”
- “Se había fijado en unas pequeñas huellas de pies sobre el barro del costado del río.”
- “¿Por qué había bajado? ¿Tenía sed?”
- “El tercer hermano, absolutamente herido en su orgullo de adolescente por la inteligencia de los dos mayores, afirmó: "Es una mujer que se encuentra embarazada, hermano. Tendrás que esperar un tiempo para cumplir tus deseos".
- “Eso es aún más difícil de saber.”
- “Se había percatado que en un lado de la pendiente había orinado pero se había tenido que apoyar con sus dos manos porque le pesaba el cuerpo al agacharse.”
- “Los tres hermanos eran muy listos.”
- “Sin embargo, su sabiduría les trajo muchas desgracias.”
- “¿Por qué?”
- “Por su soberbia de jóvenes. Al acercarse a la ciudad, contemplaron un mercader que gritaba enloquecido. Había desaparecido uno de sus camellos y una de sus mujeres. Aunque estaba más triste por la pérdida de la carga que llevaba su animal, y echaba la culpa a su joven esposa que también había desaparecido.”
- “¿Era tuerto tu camello del ojo derecho?”, le dijo el hermano mayor.
- “Sí”, le dijo el mercader intrigado.
- “¿Le faltaba algún diente?”
- “Era un poco viejo”, dijo rezongando, “ y se había peleado con un camello más joven.”
- “¿Estaba cojo de la pata izquierda trasera?”
- “Creo que sí, se le había clavado la punta de una estaca.”
- “Llevaba una carga de miel y mantequilla.”
- “Una preciosa carga, sí.”
- “Y una mujer.”
- “Muy descuidada por cierto, mi esposa.”
- “Qué estaba embarazada.”
- “Por eso se retrasaba continuamente con sus cosas. Y yo, pobre de mí, la dejé atrás un momento. ¿Dónde los habéis visto?”
- “No hemos visto jamás a tu camello ni a tu mujer”, buen hombre, le dijeron los tres príncipes riéndose alegremente.
El discípulo también rió.
- “Eran muy sabios.”
- “Sí, pero el buen mercader estaba muy irritado. Cuando los vecinos del mercado le dijeron que habían visto tres salteadores tras su camello y su mujer, los denunció.”
- “¡Pero, ellos tenían razón!”
- “Los perdió su soberbia juvenil. Habían señalado todas esas características del camello con tanta exactitud que ninguno les creyó cuando afirmaron no haber visto jamás al camello. Y se habían reído del mercader, había muchos testigos. Fueron llevados a la cárcel y condenados a muerte ya que en Kandahar el robo de camellos es el peor delito, más que el rapto de esposas.”
- “¡Qué triste destino para los sabios!”
- “La cosa no acabó tan mal. La esposa se había escapado, y pudo llegar antes de que los desventaran en la plaza pública, como era costumbre para castigar a los ladrones de camellos. El poderoso Emir de Kandahar se divirtió bastante con la historia y nombró ministros a los tres príncipes. Por cierto, que el segundo hermano se casó con la muchacha, que estaba bastante harta del mercader.”
- “La sabiduría tiene su premio.”
- “La casualidad los salvó y aprendieron a ser mucho más prudentes a la hora de manifestar su inteligencia ante los demás.”
As always I remind you that I am using a tool of translation, for what could be that the grammar this bad.
There is not because to importune Edgar so much. Anyway I should learn English as soon as possible. It is not I so difficult to write it, for that reason, I correct myself the grammatical errors of the machine when translating this.
I am trying to send you the more drawings that I can inside this message, and if I am not able to send them all, you should know that of sure you didn't receive the best. My style in this notebook is more comic than artistic. A while ago that I leaves the artistic drawing to be devoted to the employment search. Besides being very requested the drawing with pencils.
I have a character a little more infantile, so I like the Japanese cartoons (very aesthetic and stylized) as well as the graphic design of 3D like in the video games.
Please you wise when publishing or to share my drawing. They are original drawings and I am not copying anybody my designs. They could steal me the idea of the science fiction novel that I write and of where I take out those drawings. Apart from this feel free of showing my work to any person of trust.
It grieves me a lot to not have me detainee to greet you when you two were here in the country. I even spent in front of Domingo's house the last day that you two were here. It was in the moment that Manuel Betances (a guy with long and onduled hair) entered to greet you while I followed my road. I had loved to know you in person. me not know that Edgar such have a nice and talented wife.
Hey, the other day I met with a bottle of a strange liquor that had your last name in the label. Will it be that you have last name of liquor or does your family have that legacy? Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, that bottle make me remember you. I thought of an advertising photografy with that bottle, as those that it modifies for you in the computer.
Returning to the topic of the pencils, my friends say that I draw better than them only for the colors. But I tell them that if I could make with a single color pencil all the tones that they take out to their "gray" pencils then it could be spoken of I 'm knowing how to draw with colors. But not they understand, and they continue using "gray pencils". Now at least they use but their colors when they draw, and they alternate with ink (like I make that, I draw at the same time with ink and pencils of colors) and they are able this way to give more life to their drawings of Japanese comic.
I have just created a blog in Spanish with my histories and drawings. Because almost I forget to tell you tha.t I also write, only that have a little problem... I write so much. I should learn how to summarize and to not write so many superfluous and unnecessary things. As well as constantly to rave and to change topic quickly, (you noticed like change abruptly of topic in this letter when passing of a paragraph to other) and also to be too imaginative in my writings, even those of science fiction, to those that they lack a little but of science, in spite of being very theoretical in that topic.
Returning with my blog, it is in Spanish, but you could translate it if you learn how to use the web tools of translation. They are not very good for the bad grammar, but it will be you easier to understand them so to constantly be calling to Edgar that I think that this losing a little bit practices it with Spanish. He should have a lot of time there and a lot of time should pass speaking with you that already you him this forgetting its native language. Undoubtedly you that he doesn't have many people there with the one who to speak in Spanish. But my blog can be translated with easiness. Only request helps to Edgar, just for not having to bother him so much. He can become trained to use the tool of translation google web. You could read this way in English all my reports. Although most doesn't interest you then they are of very specific topics and only dominated by a minority (the fanatic of the Japanese animation) you rot to see my drawings and to say about them.
The address is http://www.lacoctelera.com/runamistica
But later I send you exclusively a link of some page on my reports in general. My writings that anything has to do with the Japanese animation (anime). it will Be when I has more time,then as you see I am limited to be able to connect me because I can not give myself the luxury of to pay for a connection neither to constantly be in the David's cibercaffe, I don't have work for a lot of time and I stay with very little money. I should economize in everything. For that reason I write this in a laptop before being able to send it to you, for not losing time writing it during the connection. For if you didn't write down it my mail it is ectrosoft@yahoo.com and if you have MSN messenger, my other mail are:
You can add them all, but I wrote them in the order of frequency with which I revise them. You thought that I have many e-mails, but it is that each one has an specify use, only that give to my friends several so that they always find me connected with the one that this using. But the yahoo mail and their messenger are the way but sure because I don't lose the messages, but it is also the less frequent way. You already dressed how much she/he takes in responding you.
Domingo told me that you also studied journalism, that is grandiose, that explains the well that you know how to express yourself. I grieve I finished the high school, and I doesn't rot to enter to the college (here it is part of the university) until I finds work to maintain my expenses, (you remembers that unemployed am). for a while I thought of studying journalism but that is not a feasible career in my country. It is something related with the politics and the contacts that one has in high places. I don't like those things. They are strange for me. Recently I try to enter to the seminar (I don't know how it is translated in english, it is the place where they live and the fathers and Catholic priests study) but for some reasons I didn't it so I opted to study Engineering in computer systems, but that career is'n avaible in the state university. So I will should just to begin them there, because they allow a licentiate (I title little appreciated in that environment) and then that it gets a good employment, to pay me a private university that I allow to end and it authenticates me some matters. It will be this way but difficult, but it is not that I have many options. That presses me is to know that it already began the period of application for the university and not yet I have employment, and I will have to be aplicant for the next semester.
Doesn't it seem justice, truth? Domingo (that so much he loves you and appreciates you) tell me all so many things of you, and your you don't know anything about my. Because maybe this helps you. I am Hector "Junior" Calero, Domingo's old friend's son. He has seen me to my from baby, and it was always the photographer of the family. I am 21 recently fulfilled years old, and I live alone for 6 years. My mother this over there in united states, but she had problems with the documents and she tries to gather money to fix our house and meet with their family again. My father formed another family after the divorce and he lives a little remote in more of a sense. I am very tall (2 mts) and thin (156 pounds) and it is very possible that see my picture in the blog. Sure, soon when it can modernize it. I seem Spanish or Central American more that from the Dominican Republic, as much in the physique as in the accent when speaking. And I am for sure if you visit one another again you won't confuse when seeing me. I am of character a little consevator that more of the modern youths. I don't like rhythms of the moment, I am a little more romantic. I am of open mind that not to all kinds of things, because some understand them so well that I should worry about not being part of them for that mistaken that those that think this way could be. It sounds confused but if I explain to you with a example you must understand. If somebody falls in a stranger bad habit, I am able to understand the reasons that took to it, but not how to be dragged to the same bad habit when seeing me in similar circuntancias, as well as to understand the point of view of somebody without sharing it. Usually people to speak from open mind to the libertine style of taking the things. I interpret it as somebody without prejudices that she/he understands the life thinking for if same but understanding the thought of the other ones.
My friends that are not of this country, or that they don't behave as such, they say that I speak as poet, I swear you that not you to that they refer, me only speak of what I think and of what I feel. When I was boy I liked to write poetries but they never gave result, I was never corresponded. In fact, I even continue without being it. I talk of courtships, I don't talk of the rest because it not have any sense for my other type of loving relationship that doesn't bear to the engagement and the mutual delivery. But that seems to be too much (or insignificant) for the girls of my country. But for more sensitive than I am to that, I can not give to myself the luxury of stopping to think of it again, there are things but important that to solve before any other thing. Things as my well-being, my health, my studies, my projects and all those things that are gotten working.
Uppps, I told you that I exaggerate writing. Apart from this I won't try to revise the since letter you that it would finish being plentiful but on each topic that I leave unconcluded. This would be a kilometric letter. Now I would like to know but on you, and such you see through of you I met to Edgar, because the he see me from boy, but I don't already remember that. I knew more to Maky (I believe that you tell her chichi) and to Domingo more that to their children. To David (I call it here as most, Orlando) I finishe of knowing he doesn't make a lot of time.
Summarizing, I tell you that you rot to know me better through of the data that appear in my blog, also that I write histories of fantasy and science fiction, as well as that draw to the style comic. But that doesn't mean that she/he can not draw otherwise, in fact it is that I am learning how now to acquire that style. I am to poor boy that seeks to progress. And I have not achieved it for the bad mixture of a lot of talent and capacity, but few opportunities.